This games character graphics are about the only solid thing about it. The music is pretty dull. The towns look bad and the dungeons are very bad. Absolutely no variety in detail. Almost every dungeon is like a giant maze. Just long branching hallways that are so plain and dull that you can hardly tell if you looped back around to a previous area. (Which you probably have.) Then when they start adding multiple floors that you can jump in holes to land back down on a previous floor is gets painful to try to wrap your mind around. If you quit mid dungeon and resume later you will probably not remember where you are at or where you need to go. The battle system seems somewhat deep but you can auto battle through every battle in the game and never lose once. Even though auto battle uses only regular attacks, its still insanely effective and so very much faster then entering your own commands. I like that they tacked on some optional quests at the end to get legendary weapons, but who needs them? There are unlockable cheats too which is nice. Anyway, Alphadia is the least of the kemco games I have played so far.
Dwanx about
RPG Alphadia